A reputed name in the production of Hand Tools, Carpentry Tools, Hardware Items, Auto Parts, Bicycle & Bicycle Parts, Agriculture Implements, Garden Tools, Kitchen Wares & Misc. Products.
Fair International has a firm Quality Policy in match with the Standards of Production. At Fair International every individual is committed to ensure complete customer satisfaction.
Hand Tools, Carpentry Tools, Hardware Items, Auto Parts, Bicycle & Bicycle Parts, Agriculture Implements, Garden Tools, Kitchen Wares & Misc. Products.
ABout us
Fair International A reputed name in the production of Hand Tools, Carpentry Tools, Hardware Items, Auto Parts, Bicycle & Bicycle Parts, Agriculture Implements, Garden Tools, Kitchen Wares & Misc. Products, FAIR INTERNATIONAL is a prestige for the customers with it's brand name. The firm is a leading manufacturer and exporters of the wide variety of quality tools for different purposes.
Exports Awards
Product Range
Years of Experience
Countries Worldwide
Quality Policy
Fair International has a firm Quality Policy in match with the Standards of Production.
At Fair International every individual is committed to ensure complete customer satisfaction by supplying best quality products at competitive prices.
To install and maintain efficient quality management system as per International Standards, Continuously improve quality through up gradation of products, process, design and quality system, These objects are achieved through dedicated team work and continuous training of each member of Fair International family.